Free and Reduced Lunch
For 2023-2024, families must apply for free and reduced lunches. Your child may be eligible to receive free or reduced price meals. Families may qualify if the household’s annual gross income is within the limits identified by the Federal Income Eligibility Standards. Please review this chart for the gross annual income qualifications.
The online application can be found on the PFSD website, and paper copies are available upon request at the school office. Only one application needs to be filled out per household.
If you have received an email from Nutrition Services dated after July 1, 2023, indicating your child has been approved for the program, no additional paperwork is required for this school year.
Please contact Becky Elmore, Child Nutrition Supervisor, at 208-773-1625 with questions regarding the school lunch or breakfast program.
Principal's Message
Chris Sensel
Post Falls High School offers diverse academic, vocational, and dual credit courses. We value and appreciate our students, parents, and community continually supporting our programs. As the city of Post Falls experiences growth and change, the high school, its staff, and offerings continue to adjust to meet the needs of our learners. We recognize ability in and out of the classroom and promote academic excellence and school pride.
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Post Falls High School Statements
Mission Statement:
We are committed to developing the academic excellence of all students and preparing them to be productive and responsible citizens.
Vision Statement:
We believe the educational process should be a cooperative effort requiring communication among the community, parents, faculty, and students. It is our belief that this process will develop the foundation for Post Falls High School students to become lifelong learners.
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